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XBOX 360 Fairly Recent Launch

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Since the XBOX 360 recently launched, I thought I’d remind people of a comparison done between it and the Dreamcast:

Dreamcast 2.0 from

It concludes that the XB360 will succeed where the DC failed, partly because of the massive resources of Microsoft, and partly thanks to the support of the game makers. However, with technical problems (got heat?) and the PS3 launching soon with an impressive spec, one wonders if this will be a very close race. Enjoy it!

2 thoughts on “XBOX 360 Fairly Recent Launch”

  1. Dreamcast was soso console with shit ass games, and so failed. Xbox 360 is good console with good games and so will probably suceed and do very well (if people can buy them :roll:), until the PS3 comes out, then the battle will begin!

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