Back from hiatus again, really only to comment on how light it is here tonight. I went outside at half past one because I looked out the window and thought someone was shining a ight on my garden. It was really that light.
It must just be a reflection of the city lights off the clouds, but normally it doesn’t get quite so light. I mean I checked – I could read outside in the ambient light. And this isn’t me bragging about my super-duper night vision either – I’d had lights on in various rooms before I went outside.
I tried to take some photos to illustrate what I mean but if my camera’s screen is any indication they failed horribly, even on night setting. I mean, my camera is a wee PAS number; this is another of the times I’d like a decent camera. A dSLR with a full range of options on exposure and lenses would be nice, but that way lies madness and spending armfuls of cash.