Information for the masses is what Google provides. Or at least a way of searching through it. Now we have them to thank for sharing this info with us: tank exploits 🙁 The video shows enough for a BF2 player to recognize an exploiter, so hopefully this will clue up some clueless admins and give people a chance to get some evidence to report those taking advantage of the bug.
Fortunately, the video doesn’t show how to do the exploit, just the end result of it: a madly spinning turret that continues even when disembarked. What use is this you ask? Unfortunately, it allows you to get inside normally inaccessible walls/buildings, which isn’t much fun for thse trying to kill you. Of course, normally hitting a wall a that kind of speed would turn you into some homo sapiens pâté, but here, you materialize inside the building, like some quantuum tunneling field test gone wrong.
Now, before y’all say “Ain’t you promoting cheating here?”, I’d like to say a few things. Firstly, I don’t actually know how to do it. No loss for me. Secondly, EA knows about it. So it will probably be added to a list of fixes for a future patch. In the meantime, it will most likely be a bannable and/or account resettable offence. And lastly, I haven’t actually seen this being used in practice. Which is sort of a pity, since I’d like to get some exploiters’ accounts reset…
Now go forth into the world and use this knowledge for good!</em