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NOT a Crysis Post!!

OK, I have decided that the standard has been slipping lately in this blog, so I am making a return to bring it back to it’s former glory!

Now the title is a little misleading. This isn’t about Crysis, it is about the CryENGINE2, or more specifically, the editor which allows you to utilise this engine. It just so happens the demos that are available are all for Crysis maps (the only game to be written with the engine…yet). But I have to say the editor looks like it could be a whole new game in itself!

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300: The Film, The Workout

  • Rob Hallam 

So I saw the film 300 yesterday. It’s a pretty entertaining film; I’ve always had a predilection for ancient Greek and Roman history – especially Sparta, Lacedaemonia, and the Pelopennesian Peninsula. Of course, people tended to snort derisively whenever I mentioned this, but when they see this film I’m sure their tone will change. If you want to see a film with a good bit of action and reasonable attempt at a plot, I’d heartily recommend it.

Now for the workout. Looking like the actors in 300 do (see below) takes a serious workout, and a buttload of determination to boot.Read More »300: The Film, The Workout